Being Forty Versus Being in My Forties

In less than one month, I will turn forty-one.  For my fortieth, Mike asked what I wanted to do.  I’d always said I wanted to visit the West Coast and put my feet in the Pacific Ocean.  Summit training provided me that opportunity twice.  Being realistic, I decided on a party in the backyard.  It wasn’t fancy.  It was simply a night with all of my favorite people together.  Mike borrowed a bouncy house “for the kids” from a coworker.  We barbequed and ate great food, talked, and laughed.   I was a little nervous that people would bring up politics as it was a few days before the election; people stuck to safer topics.   I loved seeing friends from different parts of my life come together and get to know each other.  We sat around the fire belting out old school rap.   It was perfect!

Turning forty is a milestone to be celebrated.  However, turning forty-one simply means that you are in your forties.  Why does this feel different?  I remember being seven, the same age as my son.  I also remember when my mom was forty-one.  My thirties brought quite a few changes and milestones:

  • Buying a house
  • Getting married
  • Becoming a mother
  • Losing my mother

An older friend recently told me that her forties were her favorite decade.  Her forties brought her confidence and health.  I’m trying to decide how I feel about being in my forties.  I, too, think this might be my decade.  I weigh more than I have in awhile.  While I wish I could lose ten pounds, I am proud of what my body can do.  I’m strong and getting stronger.  I can run (slowly).  I’m able to perform yoga poses that previously eluded me.  I am also thankful that I have the time and support to work towards bettering myself.  If my thirties were spent trying to figure out who my friends are, my forties provides strong friendships.  I’m blessed with my yoga crew, a strong core of mom friends, and spectacular coworkers.  Mike and I have a great marriage.  We have this amazing son who teaches and inspires us every day. I am really happy with where I am right now.

In college, I remember writing a list of all the things I hoped to accomplish in my adult life.  When I stumbled upon it years later, I was happy to realize I had accomplished a few.  I found myself back to being an active member of a church.  I can appreciate Shakespeare, even asking the Reverend to read Sonnet 116 during our wedding.  My toes have touched the Pacific Ocean.

I promise this is the Pacific Ocean!

Fanfare and celebration accompany of life’s biggest milestones; turning forty was no exception.  In the next few weeks, I will officially become in my forties.  I can honestly say that I am looking forward to this portion of my life.  Life is pretty good when the only thing I can think that I really want is a cup warmer for school because I am constantly getting caught up in things and letting my tea get cold.   I love this simplicity.  I am hopeful that my forties will be the start of my favorite decades.


4 thoughts on “Being Forty Versus Being in My Forties

  1. My thirties have been so drastically better than my twenties that it’s given me this mindset that life just keeps getting better as we age–probably has a lot to do with the getting more comfortable in our skin thing. I also think so much of age is our mindset–people who hate getting older, often aren’t happy as they get older, lol. The way I see it, only one other alternative so might as well embrace it! Happy 41st!! x

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